Many python books, articles and learning guides refer to a python development GUI named IDLE. Why its recommended is that it comes with features that many other text editors - such as VI and gedit - have such as highlighting and closing (where it shows if you have not closed off a string for example) but IDLE also comes with the ability to show you where you may be making mistakes.
I have been working in VI, gedit, notepad++ and even the python shell of late. While all are usable - and yes I still revert to VI a lot - with all the references being made to IDLE I thought I would take a look.
I first tried it on Windows 7 - all good and an easy install as it is included in the installer exe.
I then tried it on Ubuntu - again, easy to install as you can just search for it in the software installer.
Alas, I then tried CentOS and came up short. In fairness I was using the cmdline more, as I often do in CentOS, but I could not find a package named IDLE.
For any others who need IDLE on CentOS and also didnt find many articles about it, its really very easy.
bash#: sudo yum install python-tools
its as easy as that!
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